AVSI Foundation submitted a grant application to the Italian Agency for Cooperation and Development (AICS) for the implementation of the project "Mustaqbaluna (Our future) – Increasing job opportunities for vulnerable people in Palestine".
The implementing partners of the proposal are: Regione Emilia Romagna (RER); Nazareno Cooperative sociali – Nazareno; Bethlehem Arab Society for Rehabilitation (BASR); Young Women’s Christian Association (YWCA); Palestinians Shippers’ Council (PSC); Palestinian Fund for Employment and Social Protection (PFESP); Arab Center for Agricultural Development (ACAD). Key Stakeholders: Ministry of Labor; Ministry of National Economy.
The specific objective of the project is to increase the employment opportunities for the vulnerable population of the areas of Jericho, Bethlehem, Hebron, Nablus and Jenin through the support of inclusive businesses initiatives implemented by people with disabilities, women and low income artisans.
The main activities will include trainings in different subjects in addition to facilitating loans up to 5.000 euro with zero interest.
Status: Ongoing.