The Palestinian Shippers Council provides a specialized diploma on "Supply Chain Management", in cooperation with the Continuing Education Center at Birzeit University. The diploma consists 8 training modules with 320 training hours and can be divided into independent training modules, each with 40 training hours, performed by qualified trainers.
The training program aims to provide a comprehensive knowledge in all aspects of the management of import and export of goods, starting with the direct agreement between the buyer and the seller, and through all stages of transport until the goods reach the end user
Objectives of the training program
It aims to contribute in improving the quality of services provided to Palestinian traders, in addition to reducing costs and shortening the time spent by the trader in the foreign trade.
Program training modules
Module 1: Introduction to the international trade, beginning with the definition of the training program and its importance and objectives, in addition to the identification of participants, trainers and training methods, including the following:
Economic indicators and their relationships to import and export.
International law, and international trade agreements.
Legal vehicles for commercial contracts.
Insurance conditions
Module 2: Business Procedures, including
International Trade Terms.
payment terms.
Module 3: Transportation and shipping procedures, including
Management of freight forwarding.
Logistics Management.
Module 4: Customs Tariff (Harmonized System
Module 5: Customs clearance procedures.
Module 6: Management of the organizational aspects of goods import and export.
Module 7: Import and Export Laws in force.
Module 8: Export Procedures.
Target groups
Traders (importers and exporters) and foreign trade professionals who wish to upgrade their business and develop their business practices.
Fresh Graduates.
New entrants to work in the commercial sector.
Employees currently working in marketing and sales departments.
Employees of banks working in commercial finance, and wish to understand the practical items of trade.
Employees of legal companies, who want to specialize in commercial law.
Transportation customers.
Banks (management and employees.
Customs Executives.
Lawyers working at commercial cases.